The Modern Trojan Horse

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Has America allowed a Trojan Horse to enter the once secure gates of our nation? Is there a strategic plot being carried out at this very moment by those who would seek to destroy America and her allies by using the age-old tactics of divide and conquer?


Imagine, if you will, a largely peaceable nation that is very wealthy and wields great power through its people, its laws, its military might, and its desire to do that which is right and just. A nation whose greatest enemies are those who seek to enslave others by creating chaos, destruction, and fear in the hearts of those who would oppose them. For many years, the enemies of this peace loving nation attempt to destroy it, but are unable to do so through conventional means. The enemy attacks with rudimentary bombings and smaller hit-and-run tactics, which do little in the way of mass destruction that the enemy wishes to employ. Full on assault is out of the question as the enemy simply is not organized enough, nor does it have access to the type of weaponry that would be needed for such a massive attack. What method of attack could possibly be employed to get beyond the defenses of such a great nation, crippling it in such a manner that it would lie at the mercy of its enemies?

Many are familiar with the tale of the Trojan Horse. After a long ten year siege, the Greek Army repeatedly failed to gain entry through the well guarded walls of the city of Troy. They came upon an idea that, if it worked, would not only permit them inside the city, but give them the advantage of complete surprise. The Greek’s built a huge wooden horse that was hollow on the inside with enough room to hide a small force of Greek soldiers. The Greek Army then pretended to give up on their efforts to lay siege to Troy and pulled the huge horse into view of the city walls. Having left the horse, they allowed their enemies, the Trojans to witness them sailing away. The Trojans, believing they were victorious, pulled the massive horse through the huge gates of Troy as a trophy of their victory. When night fell upon Troy, the Greek soldiers hiding within the horse crept out and opened the gates for the waiting Greek Army which had secretively sailed back under cover of darkness. The Greek’s entered and destroyed the city of Troy from within its own walls, bringing an end to the long war.

Our nation, the United States of America, has encountered many enemies over the course of its existence. Though we have been in many conflicts, we have remained largely victorious. Our nation is a super-power, and through its power seeks to promote peace around the globe. We are also one of the wealthiest nations on the planet, and our military might is unmatched. We have been attacked many times by terrorist organizations that seek to destroy us, yet we remain. Ultimately, the actions of these terrorist nations and peoples who have attacked us; though inflicting great pain by taking innocent lives and attempting to destroy our way of life, have done very little by way of ending our existence as they wish so badly to do. There methods have not worked as well as they had hoped. So what then? Have they given up? Are they convinced that there is no way to bring down our walls of defense? Or, like the Greek Army in the tale of the Trojan Horse, have they simply changed their tactics?

The current Presidential Administration has been involved in one scandalous situation after another in recent years. There have been multiple attempts to cover-up the truth and hide the facts from the American people. From the IRS targeting of charitable Tea Party and Conservative not-for-profit groups, to the details surrounding the Embassy attack in Benghazi that claimed the lives of four brave Americans, those responsible have been less than cooperative when it comes to the facts and have even refused to testify about what they knew in some cases. The majority of main-stream media outlets have been grossly negligent in their reporting of the facts involving this administrations handling of Benghazi, thereby helping to cover-up the truth and dissuade the American people from seeking more in the way of answers.

Now, amid the threat of a partial government shutdown, a stalemate over whether or not to raise the nations debt-ceiling, and the current glitches related to the Affordable Care Act website and debate over the actual cost it will burden American tax-payer’s with, Americans have been bombarded with an overload of political drama. Facing one negative report after another coming out of our nations capitol is enough to make anyone turn a deaf ear to the discussion. However, as confusing as things may seem at time, it is important to recognize that confusion can be used as a tool – or weapon. Think in terms of misdirection. The best way to keep the people from organizing a well planned defense is to create confusion and chaos that repeatedly re-directs their thoughts and actions.

The current President, Barrack Obama, has never kept his promise of transparency to the American people, and is considered by most Americans to be the most divisive President in U.S. history.

There is one sure way to win a war…to divide and conquer. It has proven to be a decisive strategy that yields favorable results again and again.

One thought on “The Modern Trojan Horse

    RightyPunditry said:
    October 18, 2013 at 5:07 pm

    And America has allowed this Trojan inside, by one silly word, “change” – never asking what CHANGE the Trojan desired.

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